

Entrepreneur and a runner who loves to build companies, developers and applications.

@greenido at work

Ido has been working in technology since 1994, and he is the co-founder and CTO of ESGgo.
From 2020 to 2022, he was a senior manager at Facebook, leading the Rooms Foundation teams and helping engineers to be more productive and effective.
From 2018 to 2020, he was VP of technology at JFrog, connecting the dots between technology and business while leading the partners’ engineering and IoT teams.

Before, he was director of engineering at Netflix, leading product excellence and testing efforts. Previously, he was the lead developer advocate at Google converging the Google Assistant platform. Before he joined Google, Ido was the founder and CTO of High Gear Media (sold to Internet Brands).

Ido was also the Co-Founder of ApicaGreen Hedge Fund – a U.S. long-short equities hedge fund that uses cutting-edge search technologies.

Ido’s academic life where mainly in Tel Aviv. He did a B.Sc. in Computers with a specialty in networks and algorithms and M.Sc. in Business Administration with Magna Cum Laude.

His book “Web Workers – Multithreaded Programs in JavaScript” can help you sleep better!

A bit more?

Here is some of the fields I’m curious about:

What I love doing in my free time?

Like in Life - lots of challenges come with lots of narrow paths to cross.

Life – lots of challenges come with lots of narrow paths to cross.

⚠️ All the opinions expressed here are my own, and no other party necessarily agrees with them.

Moreover, I’m sure my wife won’t agree with 90% of them.

6 thoughts on “About

  1. greenido says:

    Jason – I guess you refer to this post:
    so it would be better to put the question over there next time – so other reader could find it.

    Any way, if you check: http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=^N225 it will work and give you a page with data. Moreover, on historic data just use something like this format:

    Good luck.

  2. Hello Ido, I also have a question about your Yahoo hidden API page. Comments are closed on that page and so I am posting here.

    I realize that it has been a long time since you posted that blog, but I was wondering about your SQL statements at the bottom of the post.

    Were you implying supplying the SQL statements directly to Yahoo (in some sort of YQL REST request) or were you using some local DB that you had imported the downloaded CSV to?


    • greenido says:

      Hey Paul,

      No worries. The comments on posts are closed after 90 days to prevent spam.
      As for your question. You can do both! If you wish to ‘test’ the API try something online with YQL console on the other hand, you can run this on your local database (or downloaded CSV).

      Good luck!

  3. Colleen Hutcherson says:

    Thanks and New Suggestion for your “Design” Page

    Hi Ido,

    First off, I wanted to say thank you for putting together the “Design” page on your site (https://greenido.wordpress.com/category/design/). There are some really useful links/resources on there.

    Also, there’s a guide by SuperSummary called the “Free eBook Download Guide” (http://www.supersummary.com/ebook-download-guide/) that I thought your visitors would find helpful. Perhaps it would be worth adding it to your list of resources? Let me know what you think.

    In any case, hopefully I’m not bothering you. Have a great day!


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