life, travel

Google Keep – Recipe Organizer

Google Keep is a great tool for organizing your recipes. It’s free, easy to use, and available on both desktop and mobile devices. With Google Keep, you can store all of your recipes in one place and easily access them whenever you need them. You can create separate notes for each recipe, and add tags (=label in Keep terminology) to them to make them easier to find. You can also add images and notes to each recipe to help you remember how to make them. And if you want to share a recipe with someone, you can easily do that too.

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life, Sport, travel

Powder Days In Vail 2011

Here are some data from MotionX-GPS on the iPhone. As you can see, we eat lunch on the lift.

Vail Runs

A Day in Vail (Click to See)

And here you got some more data on the day

Name: Vail powder 2
Date: Jan 24, 2011 8:35 am
(valid until Jul 23, 2011)
View on Map
Distance: 73.9 kilometers
Elapsed Time: 5:43:22
Avg Speed: 12.9 km/h
Max Speed: 57.4 km/h
Avg Pace: 04′ 39″ per km
Min Altitude: 2,218 m
Max Altitude: 3,520 m
Start Time: 2011-01-24T15:35:06Z
Start Location:
Latitude: 39.629375º N
Longitude: 106.372174º W
End Location:
Latitude: 39.606094º N
Longitude: 106.332164º W

This year we had really poor camera men… but still the editor of the video did his best.

and a good place for next year:
