life, Sport

Fueling for Health and Peak Athletic Performance

As an experienced endurance athlete who has competed in running races, cycling centuries, triathlons, and multiple Ironman events, I know firsthand how crucial proper fueling is for health and performance.

Over the years, I’ve learned that tracking my calories, macronutrients like protein, and energy expenditure through training is essential for supporting my active life and avoiding injuries. 

Here are my top tips for athletes looking to maximize their fueling for overall wellness and athletic success.

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JavaScript, webdev

The Power of Many: Why You Should Consider Using Multiple Large Language Models

Large Language Models (LLMs) have taken the world by storm. These AI systems can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. But with so many LLMs available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, how do you choose the right one for the task? 

The answer might surprise you: it’s about more than picking just one. Here’s why using multiple LLMs can be a powerful approach.

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Raising Money-Wise Kids: Balancing Independence and Wisdom

There are two ways to use money. One is as a tool to live a better life. The other is as a yardstick of status to measure yourself against others. Many people aspire for the former but get caught up chasing the latter.” – Morgan Housel

One of my goals as a parent – beyond concern for the child’s emotional and material needs – is to raise a happy individual who can stand independently in the world and avoid troubles.

It’s a simple goal on the surface. Still, when you consider the number of people who fail at it with resounding failure – yes, including the most famous (and successful) people you know – you understand the magnitude of the challenge.

Money is a unique domain of knowledge in that, unlike other skills and fields, most people cannot avoid it. Therefore, I must raise a child who can make and manage money to succeed in my parental mission. Wisely. Now, people save for their children for a variety of reasons.

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Business, Crypto

The Significance of Satoshi’s Lost Emails

In the fascinating realm of cryptocurrency, few names carry as much weight as Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious figure behind the creation of Bitcoin.

I did a short video about it a few years ago:

Satoshi’s contributions revolutionized how we perceive and engage with (digital) currency, yet much about this enigmatic persona remains mysterious.
Among the many enigmas surrounding Satoshi, the allure of his lost emails captivates the imagination of crypto enthusiasts and historians alike.

The story begins with Satoshi Nakamoto’s groundbreaking whitepaper, published in 2008, which laid the foundation for Bitcoin. By the way, it’s the best paper I read. In 9 pages, you can gain much wisdom and even understand this complex technical, game theory, and economic brilliance. These nine pages created around 1 trillion dollars of value as of today.

Following this seminal document, Satoshi engaged in correspondence with a select group of individuals, sharing insights, exchanging ideas, and offering guidance on this cryptocurrency project.

However, the intrigue deepened as Satoshi’s correspondence abruptly ceased in 2011, leaving a void of silence that has puzzled researchers and historians ever since. The reasons behind this cessation remain a subject of speculation, ranging from personal reasons to concerns about legal implications and privacy.

Despite the veil of mystery surrounding Satoshi’s disappearance from the digital realm, the significance of his lost emails cannot be overstated. These messages provide a rare glimpse into the mind of the visionary creator who sparked a global financial revolution. Within the digital archives lie clues to Satoshi’s thought processes, motivations, and challenges in birthing Bitcoin into existence.

Understanding the context of Satoshi’s emails is essential for several reasons. First and foremost, they offer a unique perspective on the early days of Bitcoin’s development, shedding light on the technical intricacies, philosophical underpinnings, and ideological debates that shaped its evolution. I was smiling when they mentioned ‘sourceforge’ as GitHub started to go public around 2008, and we are talking about 2009 here.

Satoshi’s lost emails are a cautionary tale about the ephemeral nature of digital communication. In an era where digital footprints are meticulously tracked and archived, the disappearance of Satoshi’s correspondence underscores the impermanence of online interactions. It reminds us of the importance of preserving digital artifacts for posterity, ensuring that future generations can study and learn from the pioneers who paved the way for technological innovation.

Luckly, we just got 120 pages of emails that were just released from the early Bitcoin days.

The emails are 14+ years old and were sent between:

  1. Martti Malmi who was an OG Bitcoin developer.
  2. Satoshi Nakomoto the creator of Bitcoin.

Here are some of the interesting questions that these emails are answering:

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#hamasIsISIS and it must be eliminated

On October 7th, 2023, Hamas launched a brutal assault on Israel.

Without mercy or remorse, they murdered and kidnapped hundreds of innocent civilians, including babies, the elderly, women, and many kids.

They infiltrated peaceful towns, setting homes ablaze and subjecting families to the horrors of abduction, annihilation, and unfathomable variations of torture and cruelty.

They continued their massacre to a vibrant music festival, claiming the lives of hundreds of individuals. What started as an event dedicated to peace, joy, and music turned into a death trap of rape, terror, and death.

The attacks claimed the lives of more than 1,194 individuals, with 800 of the bodies confirmed as civilians. They left over 4,834 people wounded and resulted in more than 243 being taken hostage. Additionally, some bodies remain unidentified due to substantial mutilation.

Since October 7th, at least 21 hostages were murdered by Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, 1 hostage was released by the IDF, and 111 hostages were released in negotiations.

136 people are still being held hostage including a Kfir (who is 1 years old today) baby:

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life, Sport

Mammoth Trail Fest 2023 – Unleash Your Inner Trail 

Few events rival the Mammoth Trail Fest when celebrating the exciting beauty of the great outdoors. This annual gathering of trail enthusiasts, runners, and nature lovers has captivated hearts and minds for years. 

In a fast-paced world dominated by technology and concrete jungles, the charm of the great outdoors is more compelling than ever. For fitness enthusiasts and those seeking solace, trail running has emerged as an extraordinary pursuit that matches physical well-being with mental tranquility.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the world of the Mammoth Trail Fest, exploring what makes it a must-attend event for anyone who thrives on adventure and wishes to see one of the best views in California (or the world).

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Business, webdev

A Guide to Measuring Engineering Team Performance

“You can’t manage what you can’t measure.”

While software development practices constantly change, there will always be a tier of truly top engineering teams who stand above their peers by combining unparalleled efficiency with top-tier code quality. What are the metrics that will help you evaluate your development team?
That question arises in many startups once you have a team of developers and need to run as fast as possible.

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Business, webdev

15 Effective Strategies That Engineering Leaders Should Embrace

Engineering teams are the backbone of any tech-driven organization, and effective leadership is crucial to maximizing their productivity. As an engineering leader, you have the power to shape the direction of your team and drive their efficiency. In this blog post, we’ll delve into 15 essential strategies that can empower you to lead your engineering team to success. 

You are probably thinking: “Why 15?”

So the easy answer is: “Why not?” but a longer one is that after the time with Google, Netflix, and Meta – These are a collection of ideas I’ve collected. 

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cloud, JavaScript, webdev

Mastering the Linux Shell: A Developer’s Guide to Unleashing Its Full Potential


The Linux shell, also known as the command-line interface (CLI), has been a cornerstone of Linux-based operating systems since their inception. It provides developers a powerful and efficient way to interact with the system, execute commands, and perform various tasks. It’s one of the main factors that made Linux the most popular OS worldwide.

In this post, we’ll briefly discuss the history, explore its advantages and disadvantages, and discuss how developers can leverage its potential to streamline their work and enhance productivity.

History of the Linux Shell

The roots of the Linux shell trace back to the early days of computing. The concept of a command-line interface predates graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and originates in the mainframe era. 

I still remember the first time (At Tel Aviv University) we wanted to interact with a computer (mainframe) back in the day. It was with this black terminal. That was the only interface you had. We are talking here in mid-1980.

Even before that, in 1969, Ken Thompson developed the first Unix shell, the Thompson shell, which laid the foundation for future shell implementations.

Over the years, various shells were introduced, each offering unique features and improvements. In the mid-1980s, the Bourne shell (sh) became the standard shell for Unix-based systems, inspiring the Bourne-Again Shell (bash) development in 1989. 

Today, bash remains one of the most widely used shells in the Linux ecosystem. 

Ahh… if you are on MacOS, you can taste the same shell.

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Nostalgia: The Truth Behind Our Rose-Tinted Memories

The physical basis of memory is the connections between neurons in the brain. When we learn something new, the relations between the neurons involved in that learning become stronger. This strengthening of connections is called synaptic plasticity. The stronger the connections between neurons, the more likely the memory will be stored and retrieved.

Up to here, it’s easy.

But how do we retrieve the information and think about our memories as time flies?

Nostalgia, the bittersweet longing for the past, has an uncanny capability to evoke cherished memories and emotions. 

We often find ourselves fondly reminiscing about times gone by, recalling experiences, people, and places. We also tend to paint our stories with ‘better’ colors, but that’s for another time.

How much of our nostalgia is a genuine representation of the past, and how much is a mirage created by our minds? 

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