cloud, JavaScript, webdev

Mastering the Linux Shell: A Developer’s Guide to Unleashing Its Full Potential


The Linux shell, also known as the command-line interface (CLI), has been a cornerstone of Linux-based operating systems since their inception. It provides developers a powerful and efficient way to interact with the system, execute commands, and perform various tasks. It’s one of the main factors that made Linux the most popular OS worldwide.

In this post, we’ll briefly discuss the history, explore its advantages and disadvantages, and discuss how developers can leverage its potential to streamline their work and enhance productivity.

History of the Linux Shell

The roots of the Linux shell trace back to the early days of computing. The concept of a command-line interface predates graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and originates in the mainframe era. 

I still remember the first time (At Tel Aviv University) we wanted to interact with a computer (mainframe) back in the day. It was with this black terminal. That was the only interface you had. We are talking here in mid-1980.

Even before that, in 1969, Ken Thompson developed the first Unix shell, the Thompson shell, which laid the foundation for future shell implementations.

Over the years, various shells were introduced, each offering unique features and improvements. In the mid-1980s, the Bourne shell (sh) became the standard shell for Unix-based systems, inspiring the Bourne-Again Shell (bash) development in 1989. 

Today, bash remains one of the most widely used shells in the Linux ecosystem. 

Ahh… if you are on MacOS, you can taste the same shell.

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Espresso at sunrise
Chrome, cloud, webdev

Personal Cyber Security

In today’s digital world, it’s more important than ever to ensure that your personal cyber security is up to date. With the ever-growing number of threats on the internet, it’s essential to take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your data.

The first step in protecting yourself is to be aware of the threats that exist. The second step is to use the right tools to protect yourself. There are many different types of cyber threats, such as malware, phishing, and ransomware.

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JavaScript, webdev

RegEx 101

Regular expression or in short Regex is a string of text that lets you create patterns that help match, locate, and manage text. It’s an important tool in a wide variety of computing applications, from programming languages like JS, Java and Perl, to text processing tools like grep, sed, and vim.

Here are a few helpers to refresh your mind when you need some ‘simple’ regex to do the job.

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cloud, JavaScript

Export Violations From JFrog Xray to CSV

The trend of #DevSecOps is growing fast and it is no longer just part of your security team. More and more organizations wish to integrate their security team in all the phases of development and operations. To achieve it, there are cases where you need to export data from JFrog Xray (in our case to a CSV format) so you can ingest it to your current logging/monitoring system. 

What is Xray?

In a nutshell, JFrog Xray works with JFrog Artifactory to perform a deep analysis of binary components at any stage of the application lifecycle. It provides full transparency that leads to more trust in your software. 

By scanning binary components and their metadata, recursively going through dependencies at any level (think on the layers you have in any Docker container), JFrog Xray provides great visibility into issues lurking in components anywhere in your organization.

Xray API

One of the best parts is that JFrog Xray is also fully automated through a rich REST API. We will use it to create this Exporter. Please feel free to clone/fork the code below and use it, but remember you might need to add pagination and a watchdog for a real system.

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A Trip To TRANSFORM!2019

Make your software flow

Last week I had the pleasure to participate in a panel that talked about the future of DevOps. It was part of Transform!2019 Event that was in Munich, Germany. Fun fact, from the hotel I could see the Google office, which brought many good memories.

The main goal of the event was to let participants a way to experience what it means to change a company to become more “Intelligent”. The way to share the knowledge was by engaging in an open dialogue between industry leaders, start-ups in the DevOps world, executives and SAP experts. The event had few tracks and many options to network which was a great opportunity to learn from others.

DevOps Panel

When it comes to creating a business that can thrive in the digital age, the benefits of DevOps are clear. Faster deployment frequency and lower failure rates are proven to be some of the advantages of DevOps adoption. It brings more velocity into your (software) organization and enables you to add more value (faster) to your users.

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Google Launchpad Accelerator – The 3rd Class

AsiaIn the past ten months, I’ve been busy working with startups in Google’s new program for startups, which we call: “Launchpad Accelerator“.


In this unique program we doing our best to help tech startups build successful business.


We are running this program by working closely with these startups and helping them with the most critical challenges. The analysis and guidance are being done by mentoring sessions. In these sessions we leverage the vast experience of Google’s engineers and other external mentors from top companies and venture capitals in silicon valley. Their value is huge and I’ll update here with specific examples.

When your startup is selected to the program, you get a two weeks at Google Headquarters full of learning and networking opportunities. After that, you have another six months of work with Googlers on your objective and key results. In other words, you get access to Google engineers, resources, and mentors. Which are all aimed to help you do your things better/faster/cheaper and make your startup a success. Continue reading


Want Great Startups Ideas? Think On Problems!

screen-shot-2016-10-18-at-10-01-53-pmA question I get from time to time is going around “How can you come up with a good idea for a startup?”

It’s the wrong question. In order to get to an answer you do not want to think on a great idea for a startup. Because this won’t lead you in the right path. It might be a cool idea that you and your friends think is wonderful but if it’s not a real problem in the real world, most chances are that people won’t find it useful.

If it’s not useful, you won’t be able to monetize it and build a sustainable business. After all, a startup is a temporary organization in a hunt of scalable, repeatable and profitable business model. So you want to improve your odds in this hunt by identify a common problem.

It’s not only that the better way is to look for problems. It should be a problem that you have.

The very best startup ideas usually contain three aspects:

  1. You (the founder) want to have it. It’s your personal pain point.
  2. You can solve it.
  3. Few others realize that these ideas worth the time and energy to pursue.

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Business, Chrome

How To Kanban?


That is the first thing you hear when someone is hearing about this for the first time. In my last two startups,  I used it and it works quite good for us. Like in Agile / Scrum and all the other methodologies, you need to try and take what works for you. The magic in Kanban is the ability to keep most of the ‘things that works’ and gain productivity. If you like to do daily stand-ups meeting – keep them. If you push new version to production every week – keep it and the list goes on. The power of Kanban is in the ability to improve the communication and to put everyone on the same page, or a board in this case.

The Kanban technique emerged in the late 1940s in Toyota. It was their effort to invent a new approach to manufacturing and engineering. Line-workers displayed colored kanbans (=cards) to notify their downstream co-workers that demand existed for parts and assembly work. The system’s highly visual nature allowed teams to communicate more easily on what work needed to be done and when. It also standardized cues and refined processes, which helped to reduce waste and maximize value.

How to use it in your startup?

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Mentoring Entrepreneurs And Developers

Screen Shot 2016-06-16 at 12.51.01 PMIn the past six years I had the pleasure to mentor hundreds of entrepreneurs and developers. For some, as an investor and for others as an external advisor or a domain expert. These days I’m doing it mostly as my day job which is really fun!

Here are some of the lessons learned over time.

If you are an entrepreneur who is asking:
“Why do I need someone to mentor me?”
Well, there are many good reasons, but check the graph below. Continue reading
