Business, webdev

A Guide to Measuring Engineering Team Performance

“You can’t manage what you can’t measure.”

While software development practices constantly change, there will always be a tier of truly top engineering teams who stand above their peers by combining unparalleled efficiency with top-tier code quality. What are the metrics that will help you evaluate your development team?
That question arises in many startups once you have a team of developers and need to run as fast as possible.

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How to write a useful bug report?

Writing a useful bug report is a critical part of the software development process.
A good bug report can help developers quickly identify and fix the issue, while a poorly written one can cause confusion and delay the process. Here are some tips to help you write a practical bug report:

Make Sure You Have All the Necessary Information

Before you start writing your bug report, make sure you have all the necessary information. This includes:

  • A detailed description of the bug.
  • Steps to reproduce the bug.
  • The expected behavior.
  • The actual behavior.
  • Screenshots or videos of the bug in action.
  • The version of the software you are using.
  • Your operating system and browser.
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How To Learn A New Company?

When you are coming to a new company/team, you want to learn about it.
Usually, you wish to do it quickly because there is (always) pressure to start a be ‘productive.’
There are many cases when the opposite is better for the long term.
You want to take your time and learn more about the WHY without giving your biases a place to run. However, reality forces us to push and try to make things faster/better.

Here is a plan that worked for me in the past.

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Business, Design

UX/UI Designer Role At ESGgo

There is an increasing interest in how companies are managing their environmental, social, and governance (ESG). Since it’s a new topic, many companies struggle to cooperate with the changing demand around the ESG arena.

This is why we are building a new platform that will help companies leverage ESG and not struggle with it. Instead of manual data entry into spreadsheets or emails over long threads, our platform automates data collection and reporting across all the company departments. It will also have the ability to create reports, dashboards, and benchmark information that will help you identify gaps. On top of it, we will have an AI layer that will provide recommendations for setting goals and improving ESG standing against any reporting framework.

What is ESGgo?

ESGgo is the ESG-operating-platform for global enterprises.
A group of experienced business professionals and technology experts from Facebook, Google, and McKinsey and teams from the leading Israeli army technology units gathered together to impact the world positively.

We provide best-in-class tools to collect the hundreds of ESG data points across the organization, capture the data and simplify the work-streams.
Moreover, the ESGgo system enables departments to collaborate and analyze the ESG status. Later, the system automatically shares it with the different stakeholders: the management team, board of directors, and even external reports to shareholders.

One of the system’s unique capabilities is that competitive analysis tool: it allows companies to compare external rating agency scores and competitor benchmarks and suggest tactical and strategic actions that could help increase their ESG score.

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Full-stack Developer – ESGgo

There is an increasing interest in how companies are managing their environmental, social, and governance (ESG). Since it’s a new topic, many companies struggle to cooperate with the changing demand around the ESG arena.

This is why we are building a new platform that will help companies leverage ESG and not struggle with it. Instead of manual data entry into spreadsheets or using emails over long threads, our platform automates data collection and reporting across all the company departments. It will also have the ability to create reports, dashboards, and benchmark information that will help you identify gaps. On top of it, we will have an AI layer that will provide recommendations for setting goals and improving ESG standing against any reporting framework (e.g. GRI).

If you are passionate about zero to one effort and like to work on important and hard challenges – You should join us. We are hiring engineers/hackers/developers who like to build zero to one products. If you know of a friend that you respect and they fit the description below – Please point them in my direction, ok?

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Product Management At ESGgo

There is an increasing interest in how companies are managing their environmental, social, and governance (ESG). Since it’s a new topic, many companies struggle to cooperate with the changing demand around the ESG arena.

This is why we are building a new platform that will help companies leverage ESG and not struggle with it. Instead of manual data entry into spreadsheets or using emails over long threads, our platform automates data collection and reporting across all the company departments. It will also have the ability to create reports, dashboards, and benchmark information that will help you identify gaps. On top of it, we will have an AI layer that will provide recommendations for setting goals and improving ESG standing against any reporting framework (e.g. GRI).

If you are passionate about zero to one effort and like to work on important and hard challenges – You should join us. We are hiring engineers and product managers. If you know of a PM that you respect and they fit the description below…

Please point them in my direction, ok?

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Business, life

You Don’t Need Status Meetings

The most valuable and scarce resource is time.

As a young startup you must do your best to use it as efficient as possible because you have limited time to show traction and become a profitable business.

Now, there is no doubt that you need to focus and try to spend most of your time on real work. However, we all did it in the past, we get into a room of 5-10 people and everyone is telling the group what they did.

It’s such a waste of time! Even if each person is talking for 5-10min you got here 50-100min of boring meeting which is equal to a waste of time.

Why not have this updates in a tool that let everyone in the team to see what all the others are working on? Continue reading


Objectives And Key Results


At Google (and many other companies) we are working with OKRs. From the company level down to the personal level. OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results. It is a method of defining and tracking objectives and their outcomes. Its main goal is to connect company, team and personal objectives to measurable results, making people move together in the right direction.
Let’s see why it might be a methodology you would like to use in your startup.


First, you wish to define what is the goal (or the top 1-3 objectives) you try to accomplished. Continue reading


Lean Canvas Basics

The lean canvas is a tool that helps entrepreneur with forming their idea into a macro plan and later (hopefully) a full function service or product.

You can use something like a good pitch deck to do the same. The core in these tools is to help you articulate what are you going to do and how you are going to win with it.

Let’s have a look at the page below. You can click on it to see it on a full page. If you wish to work with such a template – scroll down and print the clean one that we got in the bottom of this post.

lean canvas

The idea here is to think on our idea and to break it down to the different aspects.

We will fill in short bullet points each section. If you have a co-founder or advisor/mentor to consult with, please do so. It will improve the final result. Also, show the result to many people that you respect. Each might give you a point of view you didn’t think about. Continue reading


Google Launchpad Accelerator – The 3rd Class

AsiaIn the past ten months, I’ve been busy working with startups in Google’s new program for startups, which we call: “Launchpad Accelerator“.


In this unique program we doing our best to help tech startups build successful business.


We are running this program by working closely with these startups and helping them with the most critical challenges. The analysis and guidance are being done by mentoring sessions. In these sessions we leverage the vast experience of Google’s engineers and other external mentors from top companies and venture capitals in silicon valley. Their value is huge and I’ll update here with specific examples.

When your startup is selected to the program, you get a two weeks at Google Headquarters full of learning and networking opportunities. After that, you have another six months of work with Googlers on your objective and key results. In other words, you get access to Google engineers, resources, and mentors. Which are all aimed to help you do your things better/faster/cheaper and make your startup a success. Continue reading
