Chrome, mobile

Google Now On Chromebook

Screenshot 2015-04-24 14.50.35

“Google Now” got a powerful goal: The right information at the right time.
From knowing the weather before you go for a run, to planning the best route to avoid traffic, or even checking your favorite team’s score while they are playing, get the information you want, when you need it. You can look at it as a new phase in Search. You are getting the answers before you had the chance to ask the questions. If you use Android or iPhone – Good chances that you saw it in action. However, if you got a Chromebook, here is how you can manage it and sync between your phone and your laptop. Yesterday, Google has announced that they’re expanding Now with support for 70 new apps, including Spotify, Feedly, Runkeeper, OpenTable etc’.

How Google Now is working in Chrome? Continue reading


Install A VPN Server On Google Compute Engine

photo_openswanIn this tutorial, we will go over the simple steps to install an IPSec/L2TP VPN server on google compute engine.
There are many cases that we need to use a secure channel between a local machine (it might be the firewall of our office or just your development laptop) and our cloud infrastructure. The answer (in most cases) is to have a VPN server in our cloud that will be the entry point. Here we are going to look at a client-server solution. If you are looking at a solution that will give you server to server configuration please go to this post:

First, I’m going to assume you have an account with Google cloud and you already know how to launch an instance on Google Compute Engine. If not, this post could help you do it in less then 5 min.

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Chrome, HTML5, JavaScript, mobile, webdev

Chrome And HTML5 Updates

There are some very interesting technologies that are now available in Chrome. In this post I will try to cover some of them.

We know that Google started the Chrome project on the three ideas of speed, simplicity, and security. It’s still focusing on these important aspects while keep moving forward (fast) on implementation of many other HTML5 features. You can find Chrome on mobile, desktop, Chromebook and Chromecast. Let’s see what are the new, improved features we got these days as developers in Chrome platform:

Focus areas Chrome is moving forward

Mobile and Open Web Platform

We’re investing a lot of time to make sure mobile web experiences improve and that they are easier to develop!

  1. Build amazing mobile web apps
  2. WebGL, Web Audio, WebRTC, Web Speech and many more APIs that give you ‘native’ capabilities inside your browser.
  3. Vibration
  4. Device Motion
  5. WebRTC code lab (link) to check the new world of media (video/audio) in Chrome without plugins.

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Chrome, HTML5, JavaScript, webdev

Install Ubuntu On Your Chromebook

chromebook 5

Chromebook For Developers And Hackers

If you are a Linux hacker and/or a developer with a new Chromebook, Chromebox, Pixel or an old laptop with ChromeOS… You might want to have the ability to have a dual-boot option that will let you enjoy the power of your ChromeOS but on the same time be able to boot your laptop with Linux and enjoy C, C++, Java and the fun technologies. It might be hard on other platforms to ‘hack’ them, but since the chromium project is open-source, I guess, they wanted to be hackable by design (e.g. you have a keyboard shortcuts in Pixel that let you enter this mode). Here are the few steps you need to follow in order to enjoy hacking ChromeOS. Continue reading

Chrome, HTML5, webdev

ChromeOS Hacking On Google Developers Live Israel

ChromeOS - new gift to your old laptop

ChromeOS – A new gift to your old laptop

Today, I had the pleasure to sit for 15min with Nissim Betito (the one and only!) how is a known hacker in the linux community around TLV. We spoke about Chromebook and what are the powerful tools that you can leverage today when you wish to write code. Later, we showed how to install ubuntu on Chromebook and get everything you miss as a developer that must have gcc (or other complier) under their hands. In the near future we will show how to install chromeOS image on raspberry pi… Continue reading


How To Prevent Your Chromebook From Going To Sleep

CrOS no sleep for youThere are some cases where you wish your chromeOS, Chromebook (or Chromebox) will not to enter into sleep mode. A quick example is when you wish to use it in a conference to present a cool web experiment and you don’t want it to vanish after few minutes. Here are two quick ways to achieve it. Both are a bit of a hack… but it’s not a complicated process.

The hacker way

  1. Login with the admin user.
  2. Open a terminal by hiting CTRL+ALT+T
  3. Type the following
    1. shell (to drop into a standard bash shell)
    2. sudo stop powerm – to disable sleep when lid is closed. You could go with the longer version of: sudo initctl stop powerm but there is no reason to type more…
    3. sudo stop powerd – to disable all other power management features.
  4. Now logout from the menu – But do not restart! Why? because these settings won’t survive it.

The easy way

Install this Chrome extension – Caffeine after your clone/fork it from Github. It is an experimental extension for Google ChromeBooks that overrides the default power settings.
It is using this API:


which is still under experiment so you will need to enable it before the installation.

How to install:

  1. Go to about:flags on your Chromebook, enable “Experimental Extension APIs” and then restart your Chromebook.
  2. Go to extensions, toggle on Developer Mode, and click load unpacked extension.
  3. Choose the folder containing this source.
  4. Toggle / unToggle the menu icon to keep Chrome awake. Is it easy or what?

Happy new year!

[Update Sep 2014] – You can now have Keep Aware extension from the Chrome Web Store. This is the easiest way and it got two option: full system awake (sun is up) or display will go to sleep but network and the rest will continue to work (moon is up).


GDL-IL On ChromeOS And Chromebook

Today I sat with Nissim Benito (our very own Chrome/Hardware expert) to talk about the new features we have in ChromeOS. We covered the hardware specs that you have on Chromebox and Chromebook. These devices give you a lot of option to connect 6 USBs, 2 DVI etc’. We showed how you can use modern web apps that are out there today to be more productive and safe. In case you want to test ChromeOS before you buy it, you can go to best buy or Install ChromiumOS On Your (Old) Laptop another option is to test ChromeOS In VirtualBox. I’m sorry for the quality of the audio… I hope to solve it until the next episode.


Chrome For Enterprise

During my work with big organizations I got many questions about deploying Chrome for enterprise. What are the management capabilities? Which policy I can control? Is there an option to use MSI? The good news is that most of the answers are… Yes! Chrome/Chromuim supports few ways to control your browser’s activity. It can be done by using group policy, MCX files and external configuration files. In the end of the day, the administrator of your organization can manage and control all the Chrome installations. One of the main question CIO/CTO has is about the option to control the auto-updates. Well, You can control it. For more details you can read the first bullet in the list below. The other items in that list will help you understand more on the capabilities and see how you can deploy it on any network (windows, linux and mac).

(*) More information on all the benefits of Chrome for enterprise and businesses can be found here. And as we know, in the business world the EULA is important as well.

Chrome Frame

Another great option for enterprises that need to work with IE is to install Chrome-Frame. Chrome Frame is an Internet Explorer plug-in that renders specific web pages in Chrome. That’s right… You will be able to use the latest HTML5 features (e.g. see amazing 3D WebGL charts) inside your IE6-8. It’s very powerful way to empower your people with modern browser today.


The New Chromebook And New DevTools Tips

Let’s start with some cool features you should use in Chrome DevTools:

  • Device emulation – You can set a new User Agent so your web app will think you are now access it from a mobile phone/tablet etc’. This is a great feature that used to be something you needed to use a Chrome extension in order to have.
  • Dimension overriding – This is very cool because it let developers debug mobile web apps on different devices and operating systems via the Settings Menu. You can emulate the exact device metrics of many devices (e.g. iPad/iPhone, Galaxy Nexus/Tablets and even BB) so your media queries will run without any bugs.
  • Touch event emulation to make it easier to debug mobile applications on the desktop. Of course, you can have other simulators (e.g. Android and iOS) but here you have it inside Chrome!
  • If you wish to play with the latest and greatest features that are under ‘experiments’. You should go to: chrome://flags/ and click ‘Enable’ on: ‘Enable Developer Tools experiments’ then in the setting panels of the devtools you will have more granular control on the specific feature you wish to use. For more checkout the official page of chrome developer tools.

You can watch the 10min episode on our GDL-IL page.

As you all know, last week we had the launch of the new Chromebook for everyone. I’m really existed about this new device because it’s a combination of cheaper (249$ on amazon), better (lots of improvements + important security capabilities), faster (well, lighter). Some of the interesting specs are:

  • 11.6’’ screen
  • 0.7 inches / 2.42 pounds
  • 6.5 hours of battery (I had it running for more then 8h – but maybe, it because I was working mostly with email/docs and cloud 9 and not watching movies).
  • Boots up in less than 10 seconds
  • 100 GB of Google Drive free for 2 years – Yep, 100G.

You can test the water with it on several locations in the US (e.g Best Buy) and ‘feel’ it. I can say that in the past months I’ve worked with a very close model and it was a great device. If you ‘live’ in the cloud and do not need photoshop (like 99% of the internet users) it might be a device you want to checkout. As web developers, if you are using a cloud IDE (e.g. like one from this list) It might be very good option.

The Chromebook for everyone

Compare the new device to his ‘older’ brother

I had an urge to do the same video but then I’m notice this one… so here you go. It’s cover the major differences in terms of the hardware. As for the OS and the new features in Chrome… It’s the same (of course).


ChromeOS New Features, Extensions And $2 Million Worth Of Rewards

Well, the summer is over (thanks god!) and the kids are back to school. It’s a great opportunity to check out what’s new in ChromeOS kingdom (e.g. Chromebook, Chromebox and other hardware you might have this powerful OS on).

First, let’s dive to the $2M… After the big success of first Pwnium competition it was clear there is going to be 2nd one. So get ready with your hacking fu because Pwnium 2 is coming. It will be held on Oct 10th, 2012 at the Hack In The Box in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This time, they will be sponsoring up to $2 million worth of rewards. Where the highest one is $60,000! In order to gain it you will need to find “Full Chrome exploit”. It means you are working on Chrome (in Win7) and you gain local OS user account persistence using only bugs in Chrome itself. It’s amazing to see how creative hackers can be and even more the speed that the developers of Chromium will fix and ship it. For more details check out this blog post on Chromium blog.

Second, few cool extensions to control… extensions (read this sentence again if you wish).

Extension Automation – It makes life easy when it comes to control and manage the scope that your extensions are running. Think on a case, where you wish the Google+ extension to work only on G+ pages.

Black Menu – One ‘little’ black menu to access all (=most) of Google services. I didn’t play with it yet, but some of my friends did, and it seems to work for them quite nicely.

Send to Kindle – It’s similar to other extensions like ‘read it later’ that let you send/save stuff for later read. However, this is the option to read it on your kindle (which means, you can use your phone, tablet and Chromebook with Cloud Reader in order to read interesting posts/articles).

Last but not least, there are lots of good new features we will soon have in ChromeOS (and Chrome) the main ones are around the new packaged apps. In last I/O there were serval talks on the topic and with the latest version of Chrome Canary, you can build, load, debug and test your apps without command-line flags, although you may need to enable experimental APIs in some cases. This is very cool option, because it opens the door for web developers to build ‘native’ (=desktop) apps with the technologies they master (=JS, HTML, CSS). On ChromeOS these apps will feel at home because they got all the APIs they need.

For more information checkout this

from Eric Kay from the Chrome team.

Have a happy and productive school year.
