Chrome, webdev

Progressive Web App?!

pwa 2016-02-24 at 10.00.27 AM

We have today on the web capabilities to create web apps that feel and act like a native application.
Yes – We do.
We can have offline first, push notification even when the browser is running in the background and add to home screen. These three features bring us to a point where we can give users our content and features with one click and with all the benefits of the web.
What is this new monster you ask?
Well, let’s try to describe it and give few examples. Continue reading

Chrome, HTML5, mobile, webdev

Enable Users To Call From Your Web Site

TelephoneOn mobile devices, there is 99.65% chance that they have a calling capabilities.
It’s true that modern mobile browsers will automatically detect phone numbers and convert them to links, it’s a good idea to do this directly in your HTML code. It’s a great way to allow users to call your business with one click and the way to do it is with this simple tel: scheme:

Amazing coffee Service
<a href="tel:+972-3-123-3344">+

The result will look like:

A calling from site examples

Click to Call

You can click on it in order to see the code in action. Continue reading

Business, Chrome

Auto Complete Attribute Will Improve Your Profit (And Forms)

Hands full (with grapes)

Autofill in Chrome

Chrome has a great new Autofill feature that as a developer you’ll want to add to your websites for Chrome to use. Other browsers are sure to follow too. The first time you fill out a form, Chrome automatically saves the contact information that you enter, like your name, address, phone number, or email address, as an Autofill entry. You can store multiple addresses as separate entries. Moreover, Chrome can save your credit card information, with your explicit permission. When you enter credit card information on a form, Google Chrome asks you at the top of the page whether you’d like to save the information. Click “Save info” if you’d like the credit card to be saved as an Autofill entry.

Later, when you start filling out a form, the Autofill entries that match what you’re typing will appear in a menu. Select an entry to automatically complete the form with information from the entry. Chrome also saves the text you’ve typed in specific form fields. The next time you fill out the same field, text that you’ve typed in the past appears in a menu. Just select the text you want to use from the menu to insert it directly into the field.

In Chrome, you get a full support for the autocomplete attributes . All we need to do is to make sure we are leveraging them. You will improve your checkout process and make your users 6.73 times happier. Since autocomplete is part of the standard (WHATWG HTML) you know that other browsers will support it as well.

The autocomplete attributes can be accompanied with a section name, such as:

  • shipping given-name
  • billing street-address

This is recommended because it will make your form easier to understand and fill. The browser will auto complete different sections separately, and not as a continuous form.
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Chrome, HTML5, JavaScript, webdev

Web Fundamental Update

Here are the slides from a talk I gave at Campus TLV. It’s a summary of web fundamentals is offering developers at the first step of ‘building your first multi screen site‘.

If you would like to contribute to this important open-source project, please jump to our github repo:



Chrome, HTML5, JavaScript, webdev just got a hebrew version

fed-uptodate-hebrewI’ve been contributing to this cool project: and today it’s live!

If you wish to check what are the best practices for front-end developers (in hebrew) this is your version:

Good luck.

Chrome, HTML5, JavaScript, mobile, webdev

HTML5 In Mobile (Hebrew)

The goal of this talk is to harness front-end developers with relevant knowledge and tools they can use  in their current jobs.

The main points in the TL;DR

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Chrome, HTML5, JavaScript, mobile, webdev

HTML5 & CSS3 Tools

I’ve meet with a very cool startup over the weekend. It was interesting to listen and learn from them what is ‘cool’ in their technology world. However, I got the feeling that they are missing some of the new capabilities that the web platform has to offer. I’ve pointed them to some known resources like: , MDN site etc’. But it seems better to try and get a list of tools or pointers that any developer could browse and pick from. So here is an alpha version of the list. It’s split to subjects like: design phase, testing phase etc’ just to keep it a bit more useful.

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Chrome, HTML5, JavaScript, mobile, webdev

HTML5 On Mobile

Chrome love HTML5This week we are hosting a lot of developers at Campus TLV. The goal of these talks is (mainly) to harness developers with knowledge and tools they can use today in their current jobs. We lucky to host developers from few government’s organizations. In their case, there are many special regulations that need to be accommodate, so we wish to give them practical tips/tools they can use in order to build open RESTFul APIs and modern web apps. It’s no secret that there is a lot of interesting data that only the government produce.
I hope that movements like will flourish around the world quickly.

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Chrome, HTML5, JavaScript, mobile, webdev

Chrome And HTML5 Updates

There are some very interesting technologies that are now available in Chrome. In this post I will try to cover some of them.

We know that Google started the Chrome project on the three ideas of speed, simplicity, and security. It’s still focusing on these important aspects while keep moving forward (fast) on implementation of many other HTML5 features. You can find Chrome on mobile, desktop, Chromebook and Chromecast. Let’s see what are the new, improved features we got these days as developers in Chrome platform:

Focus areas Chrome is moving forward

Mobile and Open Web Platform

We’re investing a lot of time to make sure mobile web experiences improve and that they are easier to develop!

  1. Build amazing mobile web apps
  2. WebGL, Web Audio, WebRTC, Web Speech and many more APIs that give you ‘native’ capabilities inside your browser.
  3. Vibration
  4. Device Motion
  5. WebRTC code lab (link) to check the new world of media (video/audio) in Chrome without plugins.

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Chrome, HTML5, JavaScript, webdev

Raspberry Pi And Google Coder #socool

The Web is awesome and this week I had the pleasure to play with a new ‘face’ of the web platform. It’s built for Raspberry Pi and you can take it as far as your imagination will let you.


Coder is a very cool project that aim to be a simple way to make web stuff on Raspberry Pi. Short and sweet. It is also an experiment for Raspberry Pi that give you a free piece of software that turns a Raspberry Pi into a simple, personal web server and web-based development environment. Basically, all that you need, for crafting HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.  Plus, it’s an open-source project so you could fork it and learn from the source on Continue reading
